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Temple Of Empowerment

White Magick Booster Empowerment

Founded By Hari Winarso

White Magick Booster Empowerment was channeled for yourself and created to boost any of your white magick powers and improve your abilities of them.

By this empowerment, you will have a powerful white magick force, so you can help more people and all living beings with your magickal abilities.

White Magick is a form of magic that used ONLY for helping others, it never harms.

A White Magick Practitioner focuses toward only helping others, working to healing the mind, body and/or soul, purifying evil spirits, dispelling curses, bringing abundance etc.

White Magick Booster only works for the White Magick Practitioner who respects all the rules and laws about what is forbidden and not.

You will receive the original pdf manual sent electronically by email and 1 distant attunement via chi ball method.

White Magick Booster Empowerment- Master-$45.00

You will receive the White Magick Booster Empowerment Master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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