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Red Cross Donations-Help to Relieve World Suffering


SELF-REALIZATION FELLOWSHIP This is the official home page of SRF. This organization was founded by Paramahansa Yogananda who introduced Kriya Yoga to the West and was a Truly Enlightened Soul.

VEDIC ASTROLOGY Vedic Astrology is the science of ancient India that reveals your past, present and future.


THE TOWSEND LETTER FOR DOCTORS & PATIENTS Legitimate and HONEST forum for orthodox and alternative therapeutic ideas.

GULF WAR VETS ILLNESS Alert the public to the reality of Gulf War Illness which has claimed the lives of at least 15,000 American men and woman and is devastating the lives of many, many more family members and friends.


SPIRIT FIND Spiritual Web Directory.

RUMOR MILL NEWS Wide range of alternative news and links.

QI JOURNAL Great information about Traditional Chinese Medicine, such as Acupuncture, Taijiquan, Qigong, Herbs, etc.


HEALTH FREE You can cure anything through diet and cleansing the bodily organs. You may never get sick again!

PATIENCE TAI CHI A nicely constructed website about Tai Chi.


LIN INSTITUTE A commercial site selling Special Chinese compounds but has many thought provoking articles and theories on the ultimate solutions for Tao of Love and Rejuvenation.

NEW AGE Massive site devoted to New Age thinking plus Thousands of hand selected links.

Natural News Health News.


INTERNATIONAL REIKI CENTER A large Reiki site with over 146 articles.


KUNDALINI REIKI Possibly the simplest healing and self-development system that exists!

SIVASAKTI A wealth of information on asanas, yantras and tantra.

UDABUDDHA Awesome Multimedia Site-Buddhic Content!

ZEN FLASH Do not click on Zen monk. Told Ya!

ANGELIC WISE ONES The Visionary Messenger

TAPPING This site provides info on EFT.

OTYLIA WRZOS Tarot reading and numerology.


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