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Temple Of Empowerment

Venus Angel Attunement

Created by Argandini Titsari

Venus Angel Attunement to facilitate our connection with Divine Awareness, provide access to the Ancient Wisdom Teachings in the Universal Storehouse of Knowledge, the Venus Angel Attunement opens a clear channel of communication to Angelic Realms.

Works wit the Venus Angel energy over the thymus gland, located between the throat and heart, aids in alignment of our energetic bodies with the Original Blueprint for Soul Evolution contained in the individual's Star Seed.

Venus Angel Attunement is a powerful tool to transmit healing energies and to attune the bearer to the higher vibrational frequencies of spiritual realms, which exist beyond the visible spectrum of light. The Venus Angel Attunement amplifies the energy of thoughts and emotions, and can be used to facilitate communication with Angelic Realms, with spiritual guides and teachers, and with other sensitive individuals around the world.

The Venus Angel Attunement very useful for physical healing, rejuvenation, meditation, and spiritual development.

Venus Angel Attunement Master-$27.99

You will receive the Venus Angel Attunement master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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