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Temple Of Empowerment

Pure Energy Radiance

Created by Ferry Puthut Handoko (Ananda Nada Satyapara)

Pure Energy Radiance is an energy attunement which evokes tenderness within us to counter the impact of those challenges we face in daily life which have the revere affect upon us overtime.

It brings to us a sense of peace while improving our mental strength and stability and protects our aura like a shield against the negative energies we encounter every day.

Its will stimulate ones sensitivity and sensuality and allows those of us in relationships to strengthen the bond between us.

It is also an excellent energy to activate to enhance ones meditative state in meditation and works through the heart chakra and down through the lower chakra system, solar, sacral and base. It also works to restore balance across our Cardio Vascular system, for example regulating blood flow.

Pure Energy Radiance is a simple yet effective system to work with and can even be used to improve the vibrations of ones working environment for example.

With this system you can carry out self healing and healing sessions for others, in person or distantly, and of course once attuned you will then be able to attune others, in person or distantly.

Pure Energy Radiance - Master-$18.00

Hello Victor, As always, thank you very much for your wonderful attunements. I think these are very powerful, and I especially think grounding after a Pure Energy Radiance is important. I felt this very strongly and then grounding helps for a beautiful experience. Kindly, Tara

You will receive the Pure Energy Radiance manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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