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Temple Of Empowerment

Kundalini Awakening & Mystical Meditation

Founded By Scion

Positive things always come up to your life! Working with the great mystical energies of Kundalini Awakening & Mystical Meditation can help you make changes in your consciousness and stimulate the mind!

It will help to remove any blockages and accelerate your spiritual growth and bring you the highest consciousness to assist you in making changes to your life.

Kundalini Awakening & Mystical Meditation are great energies to harmonize your physical, etheric, and spiritual bodies and they bring balance and helps to center all levels of your energetic bodies.

They will awaken and stimulate the kundalini energy that moves up to the Crown Chakra.

The raising of kundalini energy helps to open your mind and removed the self limitations.

It helps to build up your self-confidence and bring your meditation to the highest levels to move you toward spiritual enlightenment.

The connection to these energies brings a boost to your energy and your personal power and it also heightens any healing energies to the highest possible levels and speeds, useful for yourself or in your healing sessions for your clients.

Through meditation you can find many uses for these energies.

You will receive the original pdf manual sent electronically by email and 1 distant attunement via chi ball method.

Kundalini Awakening & Mystical Meditation- Master-$40.00

You will receive the Kundalini Awakening & Mystical Meditation Master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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