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Temple Of Empowerment

Celestial Divinity Encoding

Founded By Anna May:

The Celestial Divinity Encoding is a simple but powerful spiritual tool. Though this encoding is transmitted in the same way as an energy attunement, there is a slight difference in the procedure. During the Celestial Divinity Encoding, an ethereal crystal is imprinted into the energy field of the recipient.

Ethereal Crystals represent the soul of a particular stone; its properties, spirit and natural vibration. The particular Ethereal Crystal that is used in the Celestial Divinity Encoding is that of Diamond.

The Ethereal Crystal that is imprinted into your energy field during the Encoding, has been programmed with a specific energy message that comes to us through Celestial Light Beings. There are many groups/tribes of Celestial Light Beings and many have links to ancient civilizations on Earth. The particular tribe through which this wonderful energy frequency was received are the Pleiadians.

These highly evolved spiritual beings work with us on our ascension journey; they provide support and furnish us with tools to assist and accelerate our spiritual evolution.

Following the attunement, you will be able to activate or deactivate this encoding at will and use the energy vibrations of the encoding in self healing work, for healing others and also will be qualified to pass the attunement on to others.

Celestial Divinity Encoding-Master- $55.00

You will receive the Celestial Divinity Encoding Master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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