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Temple Of Empowerment

Ascended Masters Etheric Sacred Pyramid

Founded By Manuela Fasoli

From time immemorial it is thought that the pyramid structure can bring great benefits.

The very shape of the pyramid means that, according to the principles of radionics, we concentrate a very strong energy mass at the top.

The energy at this point would be so strong as to be employed over the centuries in religious consecrations.

The term pyramid comes from the Greek pyros, which means fire and the etymology winks to a concentration of igneous energy that would spring in the central area of the structure.

With Ascended Masters Etheric Sacred Pyramid attunement the ascended masters will give you their etheric sacred pyramid for healing. They will bless you!

They will place this etheric structure in your energetic field and you will activate its power everytime you need this energy.

You will receive the original pdf manual sent electronically by email and 1 distant attunement via chi ball method.

Ascended Masters Etheric Sacred Pyramid-$20.00

You will receive the Ascended Masters Etheric Sacred Pyramid Master manual via Email, All Attunements and a emailed certificate. Plus full email support is given before, during and after all my Workshops.

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