Call forth your MIGHTY I AM PRESENCE to merge with you. Visualise a circle of Golden Light with a Golden Four-Directional Cross in the centre of it sitting above Crown Chakra. This symbol is a symbol of the Christ Consciousness.

Ask this symbol to move down and merge with your Crown Chakra. Take 3 deep breaths. Ask it to spin 3 times clockwise and 3 times anticlockwise. Take 6 deep breaths and ask it to stop.

Ask it now to move down and merge with your 3rd eye chakra. Take 3 deep breaths. Ask it to spin 3 times clockwise and 3 times anticlockwise. Take 6 deep breaths and ask it to stop.

Ask it now to move down and merge with your throat chakra. Take 3 deep breaths. Ask it to spin 3 times clockwise and 3 times anticlockwise. Take 6 deep breaths and ask it to stop.

Ask it now to move down and merge with your thymus chakra. Take 3 deep breaths. Ask it to spin 3 times clockwise and 3 times anticlockwise. Take 6 deep breaths and ask it to stop.

Ask it now to move down and merge with your heart chakra. Take 3 deep breaths. Ask it to spin 3 times clockwise and 3 times anticlockwise. Take 6 deep breaths and ask it to stop.

Ask it now to move down and merge with your solar plexus chakra. Take 3 deep breaths.Ask it to spin 3 times clockwise and 3 times anticlockwise. Take 6 deep breaths and ask it to stop.

Ask it now to move down and merge with your sacral chakra. Take 3 deep breaths. Ask it to spin 3 times clockwise and 3 times anticlockwise. Take 6 deep breaths and ask it to stop.

Ask it now to move down and merge with your root chakra. Take 3 deep breaths. Ask it to spin 3 times clockwise and 3 times anticlockwise. Take 6 deep breaths and ask it to stop.

Ask it now to move down and merge with your earth star chakra. Take 3 deep breaths. Ask it to spin 3 times clockwise and 3 times anticlockwise. Take 6 deep breaths and ask it to stop.

Sit and be still for a few minutes and allow yourself to feel the energy.

Now visualise a Golden Chalice sitting above Crown Chakra. This chalice is filled with The Golden Light of Christ Consciousness. See it now pouring this Golden Light of Christ Consciousness down through your central pillar and filling all of your chakras. Starting with the Crown and going down to your earth star chakra. Take 12 deep breaths.

Now see this Golden Light spreading through and filling all of the cells of your body. And then expanding out and filling all of your energy bodies first the etheric, then the emotional, then the mental, then the lower spiritual body. Take 12 deep breaths.

Now sit and feel yourself as the pure Golden Light of Christ Consciousness. Allow yourself a few minutes just to be in this energy. Then slowly open your eyes.

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